Disclaimer: I do receive a small affiliate commission if you buy through my link. It doesn’t make it more expensive for you in any way but helps me support my blog. The review is honest and is my personal experience using the product, I would never recommend a product I haven’t used and wasn’t a 100% satisfied using. With that out the way, please enjoy the review and let me know in the comments if you got any questions
“If you are a sleepless new mom, you need to read this Baby Sleep Miracle Review. It will introduce you to a program that will save your sanity” – Martha Devos (a new mom).
Are you tired of those sleepless nights simply because your baby won’t let you sleep? Is your baby’s sleep frustrating you? I am certain that’s the case and that is precisely why you are reading this in search of an effective solution to your unbearable nights.
Ask any mother this simple question: what is the most challenging part about being a mom? The most common answer given by nearly all mothers is their baby’s sleep.
And this is often the case because not all mothers have the experience or appropriate techniques needed to put their child to sleep at night without the baby fussing and crying.
Most parents, particularly first time parents, experience a lot of challenges with toddlers because it is at this particular age (one to three years) that the baby disturbs the most.
Are you tired of your little one waking you up over and over again all through the night? Do you think it’s time to put all that drama behind and finally get some rest?
If YES is your answer, then you will greatly benefit from this Baby Sleep Miracle review. This program is the solution to your night problems. It will inform you of the various techniques that you could use to put your baby to sleep. It also has some useful tips and advice on how to properly care for your child’s health.
I wanted to write an in-depth review of this program as I have used the information I learned from it on my 4-month-old baby who is still breastfeeding. After reading my review, you can then decide whether or not this product is for you.
One of the main reasons why I decided to write this Baby Sleep Miracle Review is that when I decided to purchase it, there were loads of biased reviews with unending ads about the product.
My review, on the other hand, is not biased and offers nothing but the truth about this product.
Now that you heard a bit about me, it is time to find out more about Baby Sleep Miracle. What is it and who is it meant for? One thing I can guarantee you is that by the end of this post, you will be able to establish for yourself whether or not this product will work for you and your little one as one on the best sleep training methods
Who is Mary-Ann Schuler, the Author?
The author is a lady called Mary-Ann Schuler. She is a mom of two and a psychologist by profession. With more than 20 years of experience in pediatric psychology, she knows what she is speaking about.
It is from her long experience in the field of psychology that she drew these simple instructions that will turn first-time mothers into experts when it comes to dealing with their baby’s sleep.
Mary-Ann fully understands the feelings of inadequacy experienced by most parents, particularly mothers, when they are not able to get their baby to stop crying and sleep. They get overwhelmed with guilt because they start viewing themselves as bad mothers.
This is the reason why she came up with tested techniques to assist such parents in coping with the sudden changes in their child’s sleep. If you complete reading her book, be prepared to experience the miracle of your child soundly sleeping through the night and being less irritable when they wake up.
You can never, of course, emphasize just how much ample rest would help boost the moods of most mothers. When less stressed and well-rested, motherhood would be enjoyable for all mothers.
The information being shared by Mary-Ann is obtained from several studies and researches carried out at the Stanford Center for Sleep Science and Medicine and the Harvard Medical School.
With that said, it is time to get down to what this product is. Something funny is that, before purchasing this product, I thought that it was some sort of online video course because all the testimonials I came across were all in the form of videos.
What’s this program’s format?
Baby Sleep Miracle is an E-book/ an electronic book that can be downloaded or printed after purchase. Honestly, finding out that the program was an E-book was a bit disappointing for me as I was expecting a comprehensive video-recorded course for the price.
I found the price a bit too high as out of all the three E-books I have purchased before, none of them was priced at more than $40. The high price of this E-book caught me by surprise but I chose to ignore that as the contents of the e-book were the most important thing.
If it were my product, I would probably give it a more leading name like Baby Sleep Miracle pdf so that people would know just exactly what they are purchasing. But once again, what matters most are the contents of the book, which I will shortly share with you after discussing just who this product is meant for.
Who is it meant for?
The reason behind why I chose to go on the hunt for such a product was mostly because when my child got to about two months of age, my sleep was destroyed. During the very early weeks after my son’s birth, I used to wake him every night to feed him. But with the baby sleep miracle, your baby can finally sleep through the night
At such a tender age, babies are still familiarizing themselves with the world, and so my son would up sleeping for most of the day. It was not until he got to about two months that everything changed; he began waking non-stop all through the night. Things got so bad that it got to a point whereby I was always extremely exhausted each day and night and I had to find a good sleep training method.
I was almost giving up but I knew that I could not as I had this innocent little person that was dependent on me. With that said, this product is literally for any mother suffering from a severe lack of sleep at night because of their child. All of that, however, doesn’t mean a thing if the book does not what it claims to do.
- Tired of waking up all through the night and want to get some rest
- Caring, loving, and cool-headed and are ready to complete the training
- Willing to put in the time to exercise the various techniques discussed in the e-book
Through implementing the techniques discussed in this E-book, you will greatly benefit from the simple and clear instructions provided regarding babies’ sleep. Later on in this post, I will be explaining how this product is working for my baby and me and why this is some of the best baby sleep training out there.
What’s contained inside Baby Sleep Miracle?
As earlier on stated, this product is simply an E-book, and so is structured like most E-books available online. Not that I am downplaying E-books, as the value of each E-book all depends on what is contained inside, but I was just a bit surprised to know that this product is a book after reading that it is a program, which I thought was in the form of a video.
Apart from the actual product, I also purchased its upsell, which was about 5 dollars, and it turned out to be an e-book with useful information on newborns. The E-book itself goes for over 40 dollars and is about 110 pages long. You will need a couple of days to complete reading through the book.
Nonetheless, the product includes a wide range of valuable information that you can start applying immediately. The e-book is well constructed inside a package of three other bonus products; some sort of miracle soothing music as well as two other E-books.
All of the three books provide you with more than enough information and tips about caring for your little one.
This E-book provides a comprehensive overview of the following baby sleep topics:
- The importance of napping for babies.
- Why babies need to get adequate amounts of sleep.
- Different stages of development and how they affect babies’ sleep.
- Negative impacts associated with sleep deprivation.
- How to prepare for sleep training.
- Important techniques for sleep training your baby.
- Positive impacts of routine.
- Simple sleeping rules for babies.
- Comprehensive sleep guidelines for babies up to the age of five.
- Benefits of consistent child feeding.
- Importance of a safe surroundings to babies.
The Baby Sleep Miracle Review
If you have been on the market before studying and reviewing online tips and tricks to help you put your baby to sleep then you are probably a cynic. You probably do not believe there is anything that works out there. And this is pretty much in order because most articles, eBooks, and videos out there with baby sleep routines pretty much contain pieces of advice that do not work.
This is because they are not written by mothers or by individuals who have the relevant academic/ scholarly background to offer any useful advice. They are not based on actual research.
But not the Baby Sleep Miracle. It is different. It is written by a renowned child psychologist and it is based on extensive research. Within just two or three weeks of reading it, you will find out why most Baby Sleep Miracle Reviews on blogs and social media are very positive.
Why? Because the tips and tricks contained in it are pretty useful and effective. They are also very easy to follow and give you solid advice like when your baby will sleep through the night.
But that is not what I am going to show you in this section of this Baby Sleep Miracle Review. This is the in-depth part where I explain the meat and potatoes of the eBook.
So the eBook is divided into chapters. There are just four chapters and the entire book is just a hundred pages long, so it is not a long read. In case 100 pages sound too many for you, do not fret. There are short subchapters for specific ages that you can easily locate to get the sleeping tips or advice for your child’s specific age.
The chapters are as follows:
- Chapter 1: The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
- Chapter 2: Understanding Sleep
- Chapter 3: General Sleep Rules for Newborns and Infants
- Chapter 4: Good Sleep at Every Age (there are some great sleep training methods in this)
: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 is all about explaining the dangers of sleep deprivation. If you are a new mom then you will quickly recognize most of the dangers of sleep deprivation talked about in the chapter.
Sleep deprivation can lead to frustration, stress, depression, anger, marriage problems, and even divorce. Sleep deprivation can also cause serious weight loss and hopelessness. It can make you hate yourself. In short, it can make you pretty miserable. Mary-Ann Schuler explains sleep deprivation nicely and weaves in her experiences in this chapter.
She shows how sleep deprivation can strain the mother’s relationship with her newborn child and with her partner. She also explains how sleep deprivation can cause a nervous breakdown.
From reading this chapter, you can tell that there is a need to take urgent steps to immediately address sleep deprivation if you are a new mother. You can also tell, that by addressing sleep deprivation, you can get your groove back, you can be happy again, and you can go back to communicating healthily with your partner.
Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 2
This Chapter focuses on explaining sleep. It is based on sleep science and it explains how we as humans fall asleep. It explains the importance of sleep to healthy living and why without sleep we all become zombies.
I like this Chapter of the book because it is well-researched and very easy to understand despite being quite scientific.
The most important thing about this Chapter is that it forms the foundation on which Mary-Ann bases her general sleep rules, tips, and tricks. It is quite an informative part of the book.
Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 3
This section of the eBook is all about giving you the basics of good sleep. As in, if you are clueless about the circumstances and the environment that can put your baby to sleep, then this is the chapter you will find most interesting.
You will also find this chapter interesting if you want to quickly debunk some of the widely held myths and misconceptions about baby sleep. This is because it nicely explains everything about baby sleep from creating sleep schedules to soothing techniques, feeding routines, and creating a sleep-friendly environment.
The pieces of information that you will learn from this part of the book will help you to know the little things you need to do to make your baby sleep well without waking up in the middle of the night.
Baby Sleep Miracle Review: Chapter 4
Now, this is the Chapter most new moms, especially those of you who are super busy, will find most interesting.
Why? Because it contains age-specific routines, tips, and tricks to help you make your baby sleep well. The information is arranged in the order in subchapters. There is the info for making your baby sleep from when they are one-month-old until they turn five-years-old.
I love this part so much because it helped me with my baby. I bought this book when my baby was four months old and had pretty much given me like two straight weeks of sleepless nights. I didn’t have time to read the rest of the eBook at first because I was so sleep-deprived and it was just too much effort for me.
I had been told by a friend to buy it because it has age-specific baby sleep advice. So I did so and when I received it I immediately skipped to the right page. And there I saw information and advice that helped me to turn my baby from a fussy midnight screamer to a peaceful and photogenic all-night sleeper.
In summary, I think the most important information or part of this book is the 7-steps guide to put any baby to sleep. If you won’t read anything else after buying the book, make sure you read this guide. It is content to die for (of course, there is no need to die but you get the point)!
The Pros and Cons of the Baby Sleep Miracle
I have used and reviewed several baby sleep programs and eBooks before. Although I am yet to find a perfect one, this one comes as close to being perfect as all the ones I have used or read about. See the pros and cons below to understand.
- It has got tons of useful tips, tricks, and practical info to make your baby sleep well.
- It is a well-structured program with age-specific baby sleep information easy to find from the table of contents.
- It comes with video testimonials of mothers who recommend the product. (It is difficult to tell if the moms are honest reviewers or paid reviewers)
- It sets logical and realistic expectations. No overnight success promises anywhere in the program.
- It is a research-based work that draws from Harvard University and Stanford University studies.
- It is written by a child psychologist who is herself a mother.
- It offers actionable solutions.
- It comes with three bonus baby sleep materials and a 60-day money-back guarantee (you get your cash back if you find it useless).
- Many positive Baby Sleep Miracle reviews and independent testimonials available online.
- It is very fair-priced; great value for money.
- It will most likely save you from sleep deprivation and will make your child cry less and be happier.
- It is mostly eBook-based. I could have loved to see video demonstrations of the tips and tricks.
- You will need to read to the book and practice to the information given for it to work. This may take some time.
- It is only available in a few specific languages, like English, French, Spanish & German
Where to Buy the Babies Sleep Miracle
If this Baby Sleep Miracle review has impressed you then I am going to share with you a special link that will get you the eBook and several bonus materials including Miracle Sleep MP3 sounds.
But before I do that, I think I should share with you my opinion of the program. In case, it is not yet clear to you from the way I have presented this review, I LOVE the Baby Sleep Miracle. I love it because its information is precise, actionable, and age-specific. It is probably the best $37 bucks I ever spent, and it showed exactly how to put a baby to sleep.
To buy the program and get the bonus materials including the special sleep noises, click here. Remember, the aforementioned $37 bucks is a promotional offer. The program normally goes for $100.
Is the Baby Sleep Miracle Legit or a Scam?
No offense, but if you have even skimmed through this Baby Sleep Miracle Review then you will know for sure that it is legit. It is a great program with actionable tips.
It is pretty different from other similar products because it is practical. The tips and strategies contained in it are also pretty effective.
They helped me to make my infant baby less fussy/ colicky. They also helped me to gain back my sanity. I could swear that just three or four weeks ago, I was probably headed to an asylum. But am now happier than I have ever been since my boy came into this world. So this program is legit.
And you do not have to take my word for it! There are many people online whose testimonials show that it works.
If you are still unsure about the type of advice and information you can get from the program, read the following extracts from the eBook.
“But you’ll always need a bedtime routine. Predictable routines not only help babies relax, but they also cue the brain to slow down and make the necessary sleep “arrangements” – just like a good book does that for you.”
“But we shouldn’t overdo it. We need to find a healthy balance between comforting our children and allowing them to learn to comfort themselves.”
From the information above, you can probably tell that you will gain a lot if you purchase this program.
So if you are experiencing sleep deprivation, your baby is not sleeping well at night, and your partner is drowsy and unenergetic all day because of lack of quality sleep, buy this program. It is legit and it can help you to turn your current situation around.
It can help you just the way it helped me and helped my baby to sleep through the night
I managed to download a testimonial from the baby sleep site, it’s one of the ladies who used the program and her experience with it
Final Word
Is this a product that I would recommend to a close friend? Yes, it is. Why? Because I have tried it and it works. It is also quite cheap compared to its true value as you will find out when you start using it.
Mary-Ann Schuler, a child psychologist, uses her professional background and experiences as a mother to create this well-researched yet easy-to-read and implement program. It is brilliant and has got useful info from the first page to the last. It also comes with bonus materials including eBooks and MP3 sleep noises to soothe your young one to sleep.
In short, it is an amazing program that delivers good results. After a few nights of implementing its baby sleep basics, tips, and tricks, you will notice your baby sleeping longer, crying less, and being happier than before. It is a program that is worth every dollar you will spend on it.
Special offer is only available for a limited time. Click here to see it
Does it work for older kids or only babies?
it works wonders for kids any age. but some of the techniques are just for babies, while others can be used up until the age of 7. If your kid is below the age of 3, this book is the best solution out there for helping him/her to sleep.