Children Learning Reading Review.
Reading is such a fundamental skill that nobody should go without. It can be hard as a parent to watch your children struggle with reading, only to leave them feeling frustrated and sad. This attitude could cause them to hate reading, which is detrimental in many ways.
This program is here to help your child to learn and grow and gain more confidence as they read. In this Children Learning Reading Review, we will show you what this program can do for you and your child. As they participate, they will gain skill, and they’ll never want to stop after that!
What is Children Learning Reading?
This is a two-part program and it is separated into two eBooks. Once you purchase the course, you gain access to each eBook, that way you can use it instantly after you pay.
The course teaches you about the use of phenomes, in which children study the sounds that make up words we use in our everyday speech. The program works on building your child’s ability to read and understand the phenomes that make up common, everyday words. After they have this mastered, they will move onto new words, and their skills will get stronger and better.
This is a revolutionary, good program because it does not rely on old methods of teaching like sight words. Some courses offer whole word recognition, which is fine for some, but this requires that kids sit in front of a computer or TV for hours on end. But this program teaches kids how to read in short steps.
As they complete each step, they will feel good about themselves and want to keep going. A small burst of that happy feeling you feel when you do something well happens, and kids just want to keep on going with it.
You will also get some great bonuses with this program, too. They are called Lesson Stories Stage 1, Lesson Stories Stage 2, Letter Sound MP3 Audio Clips, and Most Common Sight Words. So, although this uses mostly sound to teach, you can still get some of that old-fashioned sight word method for those hard to learn words (for example, words with letters that do not have a sound like sword).
What Will You Learn from Children Learning Reading?
You will learn that your child can and will succeed at reading. The people who started the course have three kids themselves, so they know what little ones like and need. They tried teaching their kids to read, but nothing was working. So, they created this program for teaching their kids, who were 2.5 through 7 years old at the time.
Your child will learn how to say the letter names, the correct letter sounds, and how to break words in to phenomes. Children will learn to read quickly and properly, starting with simple words and then to simple sentences. They then will move onto reading small stories, which will be a huge step.
You will also learn that this is a really unique and wonderful way to teach children their reading-others who have used the program report that their kids had no problems with the material because it was just so easy to learn, and the lessons are well-thought out. The children learn to trace the words and letter with their finger. This helps them gain knowledge in a tactile way.
You are also going to learn that this system produces great results. The lesson plans are easy to follow and are not overwhelming. You will also come to realize that kids do not need long lessons or extensive training to become good readers.
You can teach them the same little lesson about five times a day and they will retain it. You can slip it into every day conversation-for example while riding in the car just ask your child for the letter A sound. They will happily do it and you can praise them.
Very Simple & Easy to Follow
Also, you will come to learn that the system is easier once it gets going. At first, it can seem a little slow, but once you hit the rhythm, your child will be learning all the sounds. Then he or she will be doing words by sounding them out and tracing them and then comes reading small sentences. It’s like watching a plant grow with water. It’s pure joy to see them make progress.
Then, you can use the bonuses to really enhance what they are learning. The first one is a book of small stories designed for young readers that they can master easily. Then after that they can do the second book of stories which is a little harder. You will learn that by building your child on a good foundation, they will become master readers in no time.
Children Learning Reading Pros and Cons
Let’s examine the Pros and Cons so you can make an informed decision.
- Lessons are effective-very short and sweet
- Good bonuses are part of the deal
- You get 12 weeks of one on one counseling
- You get a 60-day money back guarantee
- You only pay $50, a small price for setting up your child to be successful
- Kids love the lessons and the stories included
- Has been proven to be successful
- Free shipping as it is an eBook!
- Only an eBook format-this is hard for those of us who want a physical copy
- This is not a miracle program. One size will not fit all. If it does not work, your child may just need a different approach.
- You have to be dedicated and devoted for it to work.
Does Children Learning Reading Work?
Absolutely! The creators used it on their own little ones aged 2.5 to 7 years old. The children all took off like rockets reading-it wasn’t easy, but they were very successful.
It just works because the steps are built up slowly over time and they are based upon repetition and ease of implementation. You don’t need a teaching degree or experience with preschoolers to make this happen.
Parents like Denise from San Francisco says that her daughter had a good time with lessons, and the instructions were easy to follow.
Michael, a parent from Boston, said that he was first very skeptical. But he then gave up all doubts when once he saw how his child took off with the lessons.
One review that is available on YouTube by a dad going by username Viral Video Inferno said that his daughter was doing several different programs, like using the iPad and the desktop to learn. But these methods were not as involved.
Once he started using Children Learning Reading, he was able to get more involved with his daughter. He would come up to her while she was at play and ask her about her letters. Soon before he knew it she was reading little stories to him.
Don’t waste another minute with your child struggling to understand their words. You can help them, and they can learn. Kids are smart, and they sometimes just need that extra push. And if your child is in preschool, get them off on the right foot by getting this program.
The lessons are simple and easy to follow, and you can do them anywhere-in the car, at the play date, or waiting in line. You can even point out billboards and signs and ask your child to say the letter and the sound. It’s not a very high price for the success your little one will enjoy. Get your child into a lifetime of reading and get them feeling confident. Grab your copy and get to work!